Saturday, July 31, 2010

I know, I know .....

I was much better at this when I was writing the Gold Star blog. I just haven't been in the mood to write any stories lately. I sincerely apologize to all the El Gato fans out there. I'm waiting for my writing inspiration to come back to me. In the meantime..... today is the Bristow Days Parade. Gato and I will be riding in the GREEN costume this time. Click on to see more pictures of the famous El Gato, The Spanish Dancing Horse in all his pretty outfits. We're hoping to attend Dows Corn Days on August 7th at 9:30am and MAYBE if we're energetic enough we may try to do TWO parades in one day and head over to Goldfield for their celebration later that afternoon. Their parade is at 5:30pm. Goldfield is that little town on the other side of Clarion right next to Eagle Grove. Gato and I like little town parades. My leg starts to swell up and hurt if the parade gets too long and he gets tired and sweaty so the smaller the town -- the better. That means Bristow Days today should be PERFECT. That town is only 5 blocks long so even if we ride down every freaking road we'll still be done in 20 minutes. :) Ok ..... I'm signing off now ..... be watching Gato's website for the pics we take today. Can't wait to see what he looks like in action in that green costume!! See you all there!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hello Dancing Fans!

Well, I've taken a little break from blogging and had all kinds of people tell me that I need to get back online and start writing again. I've missed writing on my blog. I had become accustomed to having the blog to get out all the hilarious stories I had locked inside my head. I used to write about the show that I was managing and the various adventures I'd have on the farm. Well, I don't run that horse show anymore so I had to take a minute to re-group and decide whether or not I had enough stories to write about just my normal life on the farm.
...and yep, I sure do. Boy, do I have stories. :o) I decided to title this blog "Pink Pony Tales" because most of my stories will probably revolve around my new pony ..... El Gato. Once you hear a couple parade stories, you'll understand how comical our outings are in this family.
So sit back and enjoy and welcome to my new blog -- PINK PONY TALES. :o)