Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hot, Hot, HOT!

Got an early start to the day this morning. I heard it's supposed to be over 105 heat index this afternoon with livestock warnings so I figured I'd better get my outside work done early. I started at 6am in the barn this morning. It was GORGEOUS out there. Nice breeze blowing through the barn. I just finished up at 10 ..... yup, it's getting hot out there. Good thing I got the hard stuff done early. :o)

I've got Tina and her daughter, Riviera, coming over this afternoon to talk about the Pony Party they've booked in July. This will be our first one here on the farm. I'm really excited! I'm trying to figure out how to seat 30 people out there. Thinking about hay bales with 2 x 10's on top making long benches ..... kinda like we did for seating during the Wild Wild West show when we had so many parties going on for that. We needed efficient seating that could be broken down and moved quickly and easily from one location to another. The bales and boards worked well.

...still can't catch my new pony. She still hates me. She is getting a little more curious, though. She's wondering how come everyone else comes up to me to get treats. Today at least she started coming closer to me. When she started coming to me, I turned around and walked away. We'll see what happens this afternoon when I try again.

Ok .... not much more to report. Things are going ok so far. I'm trying to get some boarders and some lessons set up to get a little more cash flowing through here. I think I'll spend the hot afternoon inside until Tina and Riviera get here and work on marketing, making up some fliers, and just general networking. I forgot how long it takes to get the word out online going through all the websites to network. I used to do that when we were breeding to get Shahn's name out there and when I was running the show and the haunted barn. I remember sitting here at this computer for HOURS sending out mass emails and linking to people's sites and putting free ads up EVERYWHERE and not even realize how long I'd been working until my leg went numb. :o) I always said that was half the battle ..... getting people to know about you. Marketing and promo is the hardest part of a business .... the trick is to get people to know who you are, where you are, and what you're doing. You'll be successful if you can master that part. If not, you can be the best at what you do but if nobody knows you're there ..... you're sunk.

Ok friends .... I'm off. Lots to do today and the day is burning away. I'm never going to be rich and famous sitting here blogging ..... :o)

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