Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Terrible Tuesday ... No so Terrible After All

The day started out very slow. I knew it was going to be hard to keep going since I had nothing planned and nowhere to go. I need to keep it together and just keep going. I made breakfast and did chores. Sat down at the computer and got depressed then went and laid on the couch again.

The couch is my enemy right now. I want to go lay there and never get back up. I keep thinking if I just lay down for a little while and sleep, when I wake up things will be better. ...but they never are. I finally got back up because the stupid puppies wouldn't quit licking me and jumping all over my face. Thank God I have them to snap me back into reality. They are my little angels ....every last one of them .... trying to help me through this mess that has become my life. So...I got up since they would not let me lay there ....and decided to make an apple crisp. It was Russ's birthday .... and it's his favorite. I thought maybe if he stopped after work then I'd give him apple crisp and everything would magically go away and things would go back to the way they were. Yeah, you all probably know what happened there. He never did come home .... I have no idea what I was thinking. Now I sit here with a big stupid apple crisp. I don't even like apple crisp.

I forced myself to go outside after lunch. I've got too much to do to sit around here moping all day. I've got to take care of my farm. I worked outside moving the crap pile behind the barn .....played with Gato ... cleaned the barn up again .... and while cleaning I realized I have TEN freaking saddles. ...between what I have and what the girls have. How in the world do we have TEN saddles with only three people riding?! Then I started to look around a little more..... there is so much STUFF everywhere. Things we don't use anymore that has just been hanging in the barn or sitting in the garage for years and years. So I went in the house and got my camera and started snapping pictures. I wonder if I can sell it? So I put some prices on things and uploaded the pics and BAM! Messages started to come in instantly.

I sold the old show bosal that Krystle used on Starfire in 5 minutes. Wow .... this is cool. ...then i sold the old air compressor that's been sitting in the barn for years. .....and a saddle and some reins. Then as I sat at the computer an email came in ..... I had made an offer to trade Shahnel (the last of our broodmares that we have for sale...... I mean I have for sale) I offered to trade her for a broke pony this lady had thinking she would work really well for my pony parties and pony rides. The email said she'd do the trade!

Then as I'm sitting here answering emails and all the facebook messages coming in on the things I just posted..... I see a post from a girl wondering if there's anyone out there that might be interested in carrying the flag at the Ellsworth Extravaganza this weekend. Hmmmm ...... well, we were supposed to go to Sturgis Falls to that big parade in Waterloo but I've been having trouble finding helpers to go with us to drive the truck, pooper scoop, be the photographer, ride, ...... the whole nine yards. The Sturgis Falls parade is a HUGE parade ..... we are listed as number 105 and we're not the last ones. It's a big deal. They have a lot of requirements and I was depressed that I wasn't able to get people lined up to go ...... but then this popped up out of nowhere. I wrote to the girl listed and said .... do you think they would want a dancing horse to carry the flag?

BINGO! She wrote back immediately. YES! YES!! She said 'do you have a flag?' Hahahaha! Do I have a flag?! what kind of question is that for a dancing horse rider? I have three flags in the back of my trailer right now ready to go ...... just tell me how to dress and when you want me there and I'm there. :o) I think about 10 minutes passed after I sent my message out saying I'd be there that my phone rang ...... it was a friend of mine that lives outside of Ellsworth. WHAT?! Are you riding in our parade on Saturday?? Everybody's talking about it!! Hahahaaha!! Ok ..... this is too funny. I just told the girl I'd do it 10 minutes ago. Yep, like they say -- when one door closes ....... I think this little parade in this tiny town of 400 people is going to be so much more fun that Sturgis was going to be. Now I can't wait. Dani is going with me.

So yeah .... all in all what started out as a 'Terrible Tuesday' turned out to be not so bad. Another day in my life successfully completed. Will today be a 'Wonderful Wednesday'?? I don't know .... the day is just starting. I wonder what is in store for me and the animals today. :o)


  1. Just pack up that apple crisp and come see me! My crew would love to take it off your hands and then I could hug your neck and remind you what an amazing and wonderful person you are! :)

    1. Thanks Melinda -- I feel your hug even though we aren't anywhere near each other. I needed that!! :o)
