Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30th, 2012

Last day of September.   Tomorrow is October 1st.   I can't believe time is passing by so quickly.    My last post was so long ago.  I finally wrote about the wedding that Gato was in (see last post) but now I'm behind on the Dances With Horses event.   I still need to write about all that happened there.

These days are filling up with activity.  The farm is so active lately.   Riding lesson students coming and going. I know I said I wanted to eventually get up to 4 a day.   Right now I'm at two, sometimes three a day ... and I'm BEAT!   I've picked up four new boarders.   Two in stalls and two in the pasture.    That means we go through more round bales and more square bales and lots more shavings.   More trips to town ..... more daily work with cleaning and maintenance.   It's all good.   It's nice to be generating  a little income.  Things are looking up.     This is quickly becoming a full time job.

October is packed with activity.   Lessons are holding strong .... I've got a couple more potential boarders lined up .... and Gato and I have booked three events this month.   We're doing Pumpkins and Ponies on October13th in Humboldt, Boo At the Zoo 20th - 21st in Belvidere, IL and the Dressage Classic on the 27th at the Kirkwood Equestrian Center in Cedar Rapids.     Three weekends in a row!    PHEW!!!    I'm hoping that things hold strong through the winter and nothing drops off.    Right now there is nothing booked in Nov/Dec/Jan for Gato but that is typical because of the harsh weather.   Not many festivals or fairs during the winter.    I hope the kids all continue to pursue their lessons when it starts getting cold.   It will be really easy to lose some clients in the cold weather.  I'm hoping that doesn't happen, though.   Hoping to get a few more boarders before winter yet. to fill the barn and pastures up.  Yep, I'm seeing it's like the picture says above --- STRENGTH ...... Sometimes you have to be your own knight in shining armor.   :o)

Right now I'm taking things day by day.   Things definitely aren't the way they used to be.   Things aren't the way they're SUPPOSED to be.   Life shouldn't be this hard.

...but it is.   and as hard as it is and as different as it is .... I guess it's not so horrible.   It could always be worse.

 I've met many new people in the last two months since deciding to really try to make this farm self sufficient.   Lots of great new people.    ....and I've reconnected with some loyal old friends that I'm finding will always be there for me.   I'm not quite there yet, but I'm getting pretty close.   I think I'm going to scream if I hear someone tell me that 'everything happens for a reason' ......but I'm starting to think that maybe there's something to that.   Maybe I'm just wound a little too tight and I need to relax a little for a change.    Just go with the flow and really appreciate and be grateful for each and every day I am blessed to be out here on the farm with all my animals.    I need to continue to try to wipe out the picture in my head of how it is SUPPOSED to be and replace it with the picture of how it IS and just continue on this journey that is my life.   

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