Got hay today. It had pretty BLUE baling twine on it. I've never seen that before. I thought twine came in yucky original tan color or cool, unbreakable plastic neon orange that kills your hands. This time I got BLUE! :o) I wonder if it comes in PINK? or NEON GREEN? FLOURESCENT YELLOW? I could call my hay guy and say ... "I would like 5 blue, 5 pink, and 5 green ones today please." You can bet I'll be saving the string off these bales to make something pretty!! If there are any twine makers out there reading this .... please do pink next time. FYI .... There are LOTS of girls that are working with this hay that would very much enjoy pink twine.
SO yeah ..... not many stories today. It was Hoooooooot again. I think my air conditioner is broken. I need to call someone to come look at it. It just

seems to get worse as this heat continues on. I have all the curtains pulled shut and I brought all the fans in from the barn to set up at each register to try to pull what little cold air is coming through out. It's pretty bad when my barn is cooler than my house. I just got done doing chores -- I didn't let Gato out today......just too freaking HOT out there. Been watching Ducky really close (llama). After I lost Fluffy (llama) last year in that heat run, I'm worried that Ducky might go down but he seems to be taking it pretty well. As long as it keeps dipping into the 60's at night I think that rejuvenates him. The other horses and ponies outside are all ok. Dogs are trashed. All I have to do is go outside for a few minutes and walk around and they've had it. Old Happy is going downhill fast. I don't think he'll be with us much longer. He really can't take this heat. I took him to get hay with me today. Figured it may be one of his last trips so I'll keep taking him with me each time I go.
Um .... as I look around that could well be part of my problem. Corky is laying completely over top of one cold register on the floor .... her whole Corgi body is covering the entire thing. .... and then across the room Buffy (Australian Shepherd) is completely covering another one. ...and yep, Jackie is laying over another one ...... and sure, there's Kiki

half over the other one in the front room. No wonder no cold air is coming out. ....and as I type this I just heard Lucy plop over the register in the kitchen by the door. ....(big sigh) .... oh well, as long as they're comfortable I guess. :o)
So yeah ...... no gate got built today. ...but during my laziness playing on the computer, I did find a driver for the big truck in the Humboldt Parade. Our Dragonfire Parade Team is complete for the 4th on Wednesday. A big THANK YOU to Dannielle Lease, Mary Miner, and Susan Skow for agreeing to help me out. It'll be me on Gato, Krystle on Huck, Dannielle on Tess, (we'll be in our traditional RED , WHITE , and BLUE OUTFITS!! :o) ..... Susan driving the big rig, and Mary will be our official photographer for the event. I can't wait! :o) This is going to be so much fun!! ....so if anyone out there lives around the Humboldt area ..... 7pm .... 4th of July Parade ..... Humboldt, Iowa. Dragonfire Dancing Horses will be in attendance featuring "El Gato" the dancing horse!! :o) See ya all there!!
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